Is YWAM part of a church?

YWAM is not a church we are an international and interdenominational missions organisation. We have staff and students from all denominations. We partner with all denominations so that we can and help to equip the broader Body of Christ.

Do we go to church?

We will talk with you once you arrive on DTS more about this, but we encourage all students to attend church during DTS, and for those that have their home church in Port Moresby we encourage you to continue to attend that church.

How old do you have to be to do a DTS?

YWAM Nations & Spheres DTS is focused towards 18 to 35 year olds. If you are not in this age range and still want to do DTS then you can inquire and we can help you find the right YWAM ministry for you.

Are there any prerequisites to be able to do a DTS?

There are no prerequisites, although our training is aimed at young people that are considering tertiary education or have been through tertiary education. The DTS is run fully in english as YWAM Nations & Spheres is a very international community you would need an adequate level of english to be able to fully participate.

Can families do DTS?

YWAM values families doing mission together and prefer not to have families separated so one or both parents can do DTS or join staff with YWAM. Currently we are in a pioneering season and unfortunately it is unlikely that we will be able to accommodate families with children. If you are interested and have a family please contact us and we will consider whether it is possible or make recommendations for other YWAM ministries that might be better suited.

what happens after DTS?

After the N&S DTS, some people may be encouraged to return home and get involved in their local communities through the spheres of society, others may decide to do further study, or work with other missions organisations, some may decide to stay on with YWAM Nations & Spheres as staff or do further training, or join another YWAM location.

All participants will be enouraged to hear God and obey in regard to their future.

how much are the fees?

The Lecture phase fees are 4,500PGK for PNG and C Nations students and 5,500PGK for other international students.

The outreach fees usually range from 4000PGK to 10,000PGK. This depends on the outreach you choose to go on, as some outreaches will have more travel which costs more. We would recommend that everyone attempts to raise 10,000PGK prior to DTS so that you are able to choose any outreach option.


The fees cover meals, accommodation, airport pickup and drop offs.
The fees do not cover – Travel costs to and from DTS, health insurance, personal items and toiletries, linen, immunisations, internet and phone charges, visa, snacks.

when are fees due?

A deposit will be required to secure a spot on the school. Then all lecture fees are required on arrival to the course. Final outreach costs will be communicated near the beginning of the course and outreach fees will be required by the end of week 5 of the lecture phase. If any of these are an issue for you please do not hesitate to contact us and we can look at other options for you.

How do I pay the fees?

Payments can be made by bank deposit or cash. We can provide bank details to you when you are ready to make a payment.

Do i need a visa?

For international students you will need a visa to enter Papua New Guinea. Near the start date of the school we will give you instructions for which visa to apply for and a guide for how to do it.

For outreach most people will require visas for location we will go to. We will do this together once the school has started.

do I need health assurance?

All international students will require health insurance for the duration of the school. We will talk with you closer to the start of the school about what insurance to get and how. For outreach everyone will get travel insurance, we will do this together.

Will I need immunisations?

For all students we would strongly encourage that you are up to date with the following immunisations

– Polio, Tetanus, Diptheira

It is also recommended to have the following immunisations

– Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B

We also recommend talking with your travel doctor before participating and taking their advice for travelling to PNG and also Asia.

Where are you located?

YWAM Nations & Spheres is based out of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Currently we do not have a permanent location in the city but are progressing towards getting one.

Where will I go on outreach?

YWAM Nations & Spheres is focused towards the nations of the 10/40 window (Asia, Middle East and North Africa), majority of the DTS outreaches will be taking place in Asia though. Once the school has commenced you will be given outreach options to pray about and we will make a decision together about where you will go.Toggle Content

Can I do just the lecture phase or outreach phase?

No, to successfully complete DTS both the lecture and outreach phases are required.

what should I bring with me?

Closer to the commencement date of the school we will send you a what to bring list. If you are in need of this earlier please contact us.

Will I have access to internet?

YWAM Nations & Spheres will not provide internet for everyone, although there is mobile network with 4G coverage in the city. We recommend that all international students get a PNG sim card for you phone once arriving so that you are able to communicate with your family back home.

The rates for internet is reasonable 10gb of data for 55PGK which should last for a month

DO I need a converter for my electronics?

Papua New Guinea used the same electrical output as Australia and New Zealand. So international students from nations outside of this may need a converter to use their devices. It would be best to buy this before coming.

how does fundraising work?

Everyone within YWAM gives their time voluntarily and is not paid, all our finances come through reliance upon God. It is a faith stretching journey. If you need assistance and ideas for fundraising please contact us we would love to be able to encourage and pray with you as you start this journey for yourself.